Ready Macleay

Since January 2024

We’ve had 526 engagements over 952 engagement hours across a series of one to one meetings and eleven public engagements engaging 244 community members across our five focus themes: Agricultural communities; youth futures; CBD Activation; Creative industries and housing and community infrastructure.

We are also mapping a growing list of 38 policies, strategies, and funds
applicable in the region. The engagements have identified a growing list
70 initiatives across the five focus areas.

Now it's time for action...

(See below for more)

What’s happening…
In partnership with Arts MNC we have engaged local visual artist and storyteller, Ronnie Grammatica to share stories about local Kempsey identities using the medium of photography and audio recordings. Soon, Ronnie will commence his work with community members across the Macleay. At the conclusion 10 portraits will be showcased in the main street of Kempsey. More information will be online soon.

Networking and learning opportunities

We welcome you to jump in and share your thoughts by emailing the convenors, Kerry and Chad or joining us at one or more of the following meet-ups:

  • EXCITING! Macleay Opportunity Hub, coming soon… Watch this space !
  • Join us for a conversation about CBD Activation on 3 July from 515pm at 6 Cats Emporium (Kempsey Central) Register here
  • Pitch training (session 2): 4 July from 5pm at the Macleay Valley CUC. Do you have a business or social enterprise idea to pitch? Join Dr. Chad Renando, Ready Communities Co-Founder and Courtney Tune, Alt Collective to learn about the Macleay Pitchfest and how to pitch. Bookings appreciated.
  • Social Enterprise 101 Workshop: (POSTPONED) join Kerry Grace, Ready Communities Co-Founder and Father Jesse Poole in a conversation about social enterprise. Register here for updates
  • Macleay Valley Pitchfest 22 August from 530pm (venue TBC). Register your interest to pitch here. Register to attend the event and support the pitch-ees here
  • Next Ready Macleay Community Conversation date is 22 August, combined with the Pitchest event (as above)
  • SAVE THE DATE: Social Impact in the Regions conference Kempsey #SIITR24, 4-6 September. Want to volunteer? Register here

More information on the identified initiatives can be found via the theme links below. If you’d like to provide further information please contact us here.

Simply click on the theme icons below and find out more about what has been happening through 2024 thus far.

Jo Kelly, lead Learning the Macleay with Michael Kemp MP

The first of many

Ready Macleay is the first region in focus for the Ready Communities initiative, an innovative community building project. 

Ready Macleay will give the people of the Macleay a variety of opportunities to come together and talk about important community matters and create actions aligned to the key themes housing, youth futures, CBD activation, creative industries and agricultural communities.

About Ready Macleay

While governments strive for place-based approaches to solve endemic problems and realise opportunities, communities rarely have capacity to deliver the principles of a place-based approach. Ready Communities is a catalyst for people to experience place-based community change. It enables change in community and supports the community with further place-based activities.

  1. Region selection
  2. Initial engagement
  3. Mapping
  4. Engagement
  5. Action planning
  6. Capability and capacity development
  7. Activation
  8. Conference
  9. Alumni community

Each 10-month project culminates in the delivery of the national Social Impact in the Regions conference showcasing the local community and the preceding and upcoming Ready Communities regions.

Each Ready Communities project includes a 12-month legacy program with outcomes around clarity and understanding; connection and connectivity; capacity and capability; collaboration for purpose; and advocacy and promotion. The program is designed for economic, social, individual, institutional, and environmental impact.

What's On

Our next community feedback session will be held on 22 August just before the Pitchfest. To register please follow this link.

Get involved with Ready Macleay activities at:

  • The Kempsey Show: 7-8 April, Kempsey Showground
  • Saltwater Freshwater Festival: (TBC)
  • Yuwa Nyinda Dream Academy: 28/29 August Kempsey
  • Social Enterprise 101 workshop: 27 June Register now
  • Community consultation Commenced 26 February
  • Event Management – Enquire Now
To find out more about Ready Communities, please don't hesitate to contact us

Our 2024
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We acknowledge and pay our respects to the Traditional Custodians and Elders past and present.

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