Agricultural Communities

Agriculture is an important industry in the Macleay. Join is to discuss what agriculture means to our local food systems, hospitality, health and job market. We will explore two key questions:
- How can we get more local food on local tables?
- How can we support local farms to be more commercially viable? (what does viable mean?)
Are you a local farmer? Or do you use local produce as part of your business? We are keen to stay connected with you and hear your thoughts on your industry, and how we can best include agricultural communities in this year’s Social Impact in the Regions conference (4-6 September).
Current opportunities
- Right now the fabulous Georgia and Anita from Mangiato are sourcing local produce to ensure our conference delegates are eating locally. You can get in touch with Georgia via email to learn more.
- Lorraine Gordon is currently considering dates for a Net 0 workshop. For more information and to join the waiting list email here

What's On
Next Ready Macleay community conversation 22 August from 530pm incorporating the Macleay Valley Pitchfest register here
Current Initiatives
It’s not just talk – this is about community led action.
At the first Community Conversation (29 February) you identified a range of initiatives. Now it’s time to move into action.
Keep an eye on our socials to find out how you can stay involved.
What's Been Said
Community conversation 1 on 29/2/24 NOTES
Initiatives identified and progress to date 30/7/24
Sector map
Coming soon… (updated 30/7)