There are so many opportunities to get involved with SIITR25. Here goes…
Social Impact in the Regions 2025 will be held in Grafton (and also surrounding towns in the Clarence for break-out activities) between 3-5 September 2025. We will also have a social impact investor tour the day prior.
There are many different ways to get involved whether you are located in the Clarence of not, here are some:
Venues and local suppliers:
SIITR has a local procurement policy and we can assure you at least 80% of our coference spend (which is around $100K) will be IN the Clarence with a focus on small businesses. If you are a caterer, local producer, artist, venue owner (or manager), or produce something that’s quintessentially Clarence Valley that you think we need to know about get in touch.
Your input:
As a relatively new national event we have had two opportunities to experiment with our format. In our first year (which we call year ground 0) we tried a main conference day + concentrated learning on either side. We loved this event and while it certainly had a lot of merit it didn’t quite hit the mark in providing those deep opportunities to network, connect and learn from the conference community.
While are happy with our additions to the 2024 program in remediating and adding to this we felt we could have further developed a fully immersive experience for our delegates. (and noting, we loved your feedback, thankyou – it was all taken as opportunities to improve our collective impact).
So, in the official year 2 of Social Impact in the Regions (and our 3rd year of delivery) we want you to conceptualise something that we are determined to bring to life for you…
Remember ‘choose your own adventure’ books? We want to create that for you. We already know there are a few things we are going to need to do that (1) your input and involvement leading into SIITR25 (whether you are coming or not) and (2) time. You need to commit to the journey, not just a day – and that goes for speakers too.
We know people leave Social Impact in the Regions with all the feels. We intentionally create a family vibe, because that’s what we are as collaborators of regional change. Right? But we want more than that for you – we want the experience to be something you can look forward to year to year as a place to connect, learn, share, update and celebrate your wins. Follow our socials for opportunities to provide input.
As, no doubt you’ve read SIITR is funded through your ticket purchases and the generous support of our sponsors and donors. And when you lay your money down it’s not just the event we deliver, through the Ready Communities program we are in regions doing what we do all year round and when we aren’t we are still doing the advocacy via various publishing and speaking platforms. We aren’t a big company, we are little, nimble and doing what it takes to apply our skills to supporting regional changemakers. Nevertheless, back to the point. Tickets. This is what 2025 looks like in full transparency and noting:
All tickets include three days of program, a welcome event and the conference dinner. Catering includes morning tea and lunch each day and afternoon tea on days 1 and 2. We source locally ensuring small businesses in the host community get a big bite from the conference spend. Also, because we are located always in smaller regional communities, and we want people to have a family experience we limit the amount of tickets sold.
- Alumni tickets $950 (inc GST) – available from 15 January – 1 March or allocations (50) are exhausted
- Early Bird $1,250 (inc GST) – 1 February – 1 May or allocations (75) are exhausted
- Full Tickets $1,650 (inc GST) – 1 February – 20 October
- HOST tickets: Anyone located in the host community can access alumni rates and also a day only ticket for days 1 and 2 @ $350 inc GST
We are currently designing a ticketing system to save the booking fees for you, it will be ready mid February. In the meantime if you’d like to lock in your ticket now (and we recommend you do) get in touch and we’ll send you an invoice with ZERO booking fees (noting we won’t be doing this once the system is in place).
It’s also important to note there are other ways to access tickets:
- Bursaries and sponsorship: Our bursaries will open in March 2025. Make sure you’ve subscribed to our newsletter to stay up to date on opportunities. Don’t worry – if your bursary application is successful and you’ve already purchased a ticket it will be transferable (our preference) or refundable.
- Volunteer: There are always volunteering opportunities at SIITR – in exchange for early starts and late finishes volunteers can access speakers, various segments, conference events and will also be included in the ongoing alumni network APPLY HERE before 30 June
- Speak: Apply to present a keynote, workshop, masterclass or to host a stand at Social Impact in the Regions 2025 on or before 30 May via this link Speakers and stallholders receive complimentary tickets to attend the event.
Corporate opportunities:
- Sponsorship: We have a range of sponsorship opportunities to explore from general sponsorship to sponsorship of SIITR events, bursary packs and more. We prefer to make our sponsor kits bespoke so get in touch via the link below for more info.
- Conference stands: Each year we have a limited number of aligned conference stands. If your organisation works alongside regionally based changemakers get in touch to apply for a conference stand.
- Corporate ticket packs: Numerous organisations have already sent their whole teams to SIITR events. If you’d like to discuss how we can cater to yours, including dedicating space for your own private break-out sessions get in touch.
GET IN TOUCH to learn more about all opportunities.
Got more questions about SIITR25? Don’t hesitate, send them through here.