#SIITR25 Tickets

Tickets for #SIITR25 are now on sale.

You can grab Early Bird tickets at $1,250 (inc. GST) via email here (available until allocation is exhausted or 1 May).

From there tickets are $1,650 (inc. GST) and there are also host community day passes available.

Our aim is to keep audience numbers to 300 so our delegation is intimate and there is adequate time for networking and connecting.

There are different ways to acquire a ticket for SIITR:

  • Volunteer: Each year we include up to 25 volunteers who are also entitled to a free ticket, a t-shirt and catering each day they attend and volunteer.
  • Bursaries: SIITR25 bursaries (subsidised tickets) will be available from 1 March – make sure you look out for these opportunities
  • Speaker: Speakers do not pay to attend SIITR25
  • Youth stream: Are you a young person (aged under 24yrs) who would like to attend? Get in touch about how you can get involved in the youth stream.

If a conference ticket is beyond your means and the abovementioned options don’t work out for you we also encourage you to get in touch with local not for profits and businesses who may support you to attend and share information with your community. A ticket divided between three or four beneficiaries and a promise to present what you learned back in your community is a great deal for everyone.

Local procurement

It’s important to note that SIITR has a local procurement policy ensuring over 50% of our annual purchasing is spent in the host community, that over 80% is spent with small businesses and that we provide additional opportunities for local businesses in the host community to generate revenue via conference delegates.

In Kempsey this equated to 96% of our conference spend of just over $99,000 being spent in the Mid North Coast Region and with small businesses – just over 50% of that spend was directly with small businesses in the Macleay.

Rather than bringing catering into conference venue we purposely situated ourselves in the CBD so people could use local cafes during lunch (and then browse through shops).

Local investment

We host a social impact investor tour the day prior to the conference inviting philanthropists and government delegates to learn more about social impact in the host community. We also showcase local social enterprises throughout the event and give local people (including local schools) the opportunity to access subsidised tickets to attend.


Want to learn more about SIITR via our founder story? Read more here

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