Ryan Martin
Ryan Martin began his career on the Gold Coast and after a decade of work in this space which included a stint as Head of Senior School at St Andrews Lutheran College he moved north to take up the role of Principal at Batchelor Area School in the Northern Territory and was recognised for his work by being awarded the Northern Territory Principal of the Year. Although this was great recognition for his role in transforming one of Australia’s toughest schools his proven track record in school data analysis, behaviour management, staff wellbeing, leadership and coaching is widely recognised. Ryan’s determined focus on improving teacher practice has resulted in significantly altering the trajectory of students from highly complex and disadvantaged backgrounds.
He has travelled nationally and internationally investigating educational systems and presented key note presentations around topics such as staff wellbeing, behaviour management and creating sustainable learning cultures.
His current position as Principal at Macleay Vocational College, allows him to combine his passion for Indigenous education, improving teacher practice and changing the trajectory of students who are at risk of disengaging from education.